Tuesday, 11 June 2013

How to fix annoying cursor jumping problem while typing documents on laptops?

Keyword: fix annoying cursor jumping problem, fix curson or documents, fix document typing issues, cursor problems, laptop cursor problems, fix laptop cursor problem, cursor keeps jumping around
Typing a document on a laptop is an annoying and frustrating experience. Perhaps, you may have noticed the cursor moving or jumping randomly, whenever you are going to type some text on a document or on a Web browser or anywhere else. It reduces the typing speed and overall performance.

Techvedic, a leading tech support provider, brings instant resolution to fix the cursor jumping problem with any laptop.

Follow the below step-by-step solution and install TouchFreeze, a free software which automatically disables the touchpad of your laptop as soon as you start typing.
     1.Install the TouchFreeze software in system tray. It’s very simple to use and doesn't need any configuration.
      2.To close it, right-click on its icon in system tray and select the “Exit” option.

Congrats! You have successfully fixed the cursor jumping issues.  Hopefully, it would ease the typing task using a laptop, besides speeding up your overall computing. For more suggestions, contact our computer support helpdesk, as per below contact-details:

U.S. +855-859-0057
U.K. +800-635-0716
CA  1-855-749-5861
AU  1-800-197-298

We would be more than happy to help you. We are available 24/7.


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