Two-factor authentication called -step verification in Google's speech adds a second stage to your Google login. Not just do you need to enter your username and watchword, additionally a solitary utilization security code, which generally gets sent to your telephone by means of an application or quick message. As an exchange for the additional exertion, you'll get an additional layer of assurance that can bail keep programmers out of your personal information.
Once you're at the Accounts settings page, select Security from the list along the left. Click the Edit link next to the 2-step verification heading to begin the process of setting it up. Google will give you a brief pictoral overview of what to expect: Give it a once-over, then press Start setup when you're ready to rock.
On the next screen, Google will ask you for your cellphone number. Select your country from the drop-down list (as represented by the flag icon), enter your number as instructed, then choose how you want to receive your security codes.
You can get security codes either via text message or voice call: If you're hearing impaired or aren't great at remembering strings of numbers, you'd probably be better off going with the Text message option. On the other hand, the Voice Call option might be a better choice if you have a limited—or no—text message plan.
Once you've entered your number and chosen how you want to recieve security codes, press Send code, and Google will send a test code to your phone. On the next screen, enter this test code where instructed, then press the Verify button.
You're almost done! Google will ask you if you want to trust the computer you're logged in on: If you "trust" a computer, you don't need to use a security code on it. This might be useful if you lose your phone and need to get into your Google account, or you're sick of entering security codes on your locked-down, highly secure office computer. Make your choice and press Next; you can go back and change this setting later if you change your mind.
Finally, Google will have you confirm one last time that you want to use 2-step verification. Press Confirm, and you're all set to go.
Setting up 2-step verification
If you have an account for any of Google's services (Gmail, Google+, and so on), the setting up 2-step verification fairly straightforward. Start by visiting, and press the blue Sign In button in the upper right hand corner, and log in. Once signed in, look for your profile picture in the upper right corner and click it, then select Account from the menu that appears.
Once you're at the Accounts settings page, select Security from the list along the left. Click the Edit link next to the 2-step verification heading to begin the process of setting it up. Google will give you a brief pictoral overview of what to expect: Give it a once-over, then press Start setup when you're ready to rock.
On the next screen, Google will ask you for your cellphone number. Select your country from the drop-down list (as represented by the flag icon), enter your number as instructed, then choose how you want to receive your security codes.
You can get security codes either via text message or voice call: If you're hearing impaired or aren't great at remembering strings of numbers, you'd probably be better off going with the Text message option. On the other hand, the Voice Call option might be a better choice if you have a limited—or no—text message plan.
Once you've entered your number and chosen how you want to recieve security codes, press Send code, and Google will send a test code to your phone. On the next screen, enter this test code where instructed, then press the Verify button.
You're almost done! Google will ask you if you want to trust the computer you're logged in on: If you "trust" a computer, you don't need to use a security code on it. This might be useful if you lose your phone and need to get into your Google account, or you're sick of entering security codes on your locked-down, highly secure office computer. Make your choice and press Next; you can go back and change this setting later if you change your mind.
Finally, Google will have you confirm one last time that you want to use 2-step verification. Press Confirm, and you're all set to go.
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