Wednesday, 20 November 2013

How to see which apps drain the battery most in Mavericks?


Batter issues are very common and the main reason behind these issues is the programs that you use. If you are encoding a high-quality movie file then it will surely eat up your battery. Thus, to preserve battery life OS X Mavericks has implemented some features like App Nap.


This app is very useful in pausing unused programs so as to allow processors to maintain a lower use of energy. Also, you can use common power-saving method such as reducing the brightness of your system’s screen as well as disabling the unused components including Bluetooth and Wi-Fi controllers.
Mavericks offer you better ways for assessing poor battery life. By selecting Energy section of Activity Monitor, you can see a default column labeled with “Energy Impact” that is the amount of power used by that program. You can sort the list by this column and those programs which are using high energy should be closed to maintain battery life.

The Energy section of Activity Monitor shows the applications that were running in the past 8 hours. Thus, there may be background processes that were contributing to lower battery life. For this, go to the View menu and choose “All Processes” to get the details of all running applications. Furthermore, you can sort the list by the column labeled "Requires High Perf GPU." This shows which programs are using more powerful graphics card on systems. You can quit those programs that say “yes” in the "Requires High Perf GPU" column.

Although Activity Monitor is a great tool for assessing process load yet, you can go for other applications. For opening Battery menu extra, check the box of "Show battery status in menu bar" in the Energy Saver system preferences. After this, you can see the list of apps using more power. Selecting any app will open Activity Monitor so as to show other statistics about it.

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