Online identity theft is a very common issue. In phishing, an individual or company tries to acquire personal or private information from a user including passwords, account numbers, social security numbers, etc. For this, phisher uses the name of a trustworthy person or business to trick users. As a result, user responds to their emails with certain personal details.
Be careful as tricked email always looks similar as the original ones you receive from your financial institution. They may ask you to “verify your account information” or “confirm your billing information.” Furthermore, their link will direct you to a fooled site that can steal your personal data.
Here are some ways with which you can spot a fake site:
1.Spelling mistakes and the presence of an IP address in the link of any email.
2.If there is lack of personal greeting then it is not legitimate.
3.Absence of partial account numbers from banks and credit card companies.
For preventing accidental click of phishing links, install a spam filter on your email. Make sure to have a new browser like Microsoft IE8, Mozilla Firefox 3, Chrome and Opera as these contain special software to check phishing URLs.
Be attentive and protect yourself against phishing. For more from the XpertCrewTM team, please follow us on Twitter@Techvedic or contact Techvedic’s computer support helpdesk, as per below contact-details:
U.S. +855-859-0057 ( )
U.K. +800-635-0716 ( )
CA 1-855-749-5861 ( )
AU 1-800-197-298 (
And yes, we are eagerly waiting for your valuable feedback. Do write us back. We would be more than happy to help you. We are available 24/7.
Online identity theft is a very common issue. In phishing, an individual or company tries to acquire personal or private information from a user including passwords, account numbers, social security numbers, etc. For this, phisher uses the name of a trustworthy person or business to trick users. As a result, user responds to their emails with certain personal details.
Be careful as tricked email always looks similar as the original ones you receive from your financial institution. They may ask you to “verify your account information” or “confirm your billing information.” Furthermore, their link will direct you to a fooled site that can steal your personal data.
Here are some ways with which you can spot a fake site:
1.Spelling mistakes and the presence of an IP address in the link of any email.
2.If there is lack of personal greeting then it is not legitimate.
3.Absence of partial account numbers from banks and credit card companies.
For preventing accidental click of phishing links, install a spam filter on your email. Make sure to have a new browser like Microsoft IE8, Mozilla Firefox 3, Chrome and Opera as these contain special software to check phishing URLs.
Be attentive and protect yourself against phishing. For more from the XpertCrewTM team, please follow us on Twitter@Techvedic or contact Techvedic’s computer support helpdesk, as per below contact-details:
U.S. +855-859-0057 ( )
U.K. +800-635-0716 ( )
CA 1-855-749-5861 ( )
AU 1-800-197-298 (
And yes, we are eagerly waiting for your valuable feedback. Do write us back. We would be more than happy to help you. We are available 24/7.
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