Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The Hidden Security Threat

Tech world is full of security risks. Using Internet is not as easy as you think. This tutorial has a recent tech story about a researcher. 

Hidden Security Threat

The researcher has to complete the task of scanning billions of IP addresses using the few computers he had at his disposal. For this, the researcher exploited insecure systems connected to the Internet. By authenticating two very common user accounts- Root and Admin, he accessed these systems. He just used three passwords: root, admin and a blank entry. And, his scheme was very much effective.
Whenever you buy a new device, router, printer or any other then you just plug in that device and it works. But, you need to change the default passwords or usernames of these devices. Users generally skip this step. If these devices are working properly then it doesn’t mean that these are secure also. Make sure that devices with default usernames and passwords are highly prone to attack. By running code that can sniff traffic entering and leaving the network, attackers can get access to login credentials as well as any other secret. 
Thus, administrator as well as every computer enthusiast should change the default configuration of the device connected to the network. For more from the XpertCrewTM team, please follow us on Twitter@Techvedic or contact Techvedic’s computer support helpdesk, as per below contact-details:
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